my name is Carlota and I want to tell you how was my summer holidays.
gonna start talking about Turkey, second Cadaqués and for ending I'm
gonna make a little conclusion.
I stayed in Istanbul for 3 days . We went to visit mesquites, castles the
“Gran Bazar” , the species market, the Bosforo... The streets there
were dirty and noisy and the people (in general) wasn't really nice,
they only want to sell. After Istanbul, we toke a plane and we went
to south Turkey because there was a “gulet” waiting for us. We
stayed 7 days on the “gulet” and it was amazing. Visiting the
habited island was my favorite part of the trip I think.
Turkia I stayed on my best friend's house in Cadaqués (La Costa Brava).
We take a little boat and went to amazing little beaches. I saw
starfishes and red, blue, green and purple coral and a lot of
gorgeous fishes. We had a really good time together.
My parents toke me home after 4 days and there I did nothing and it was
very boring, very, very boring.
ending I only can say that this it was an amazing holidays and I'm
impatient to have it again!
for listening to me!
-Were the resources relevant and attractive? Yes, on my power point I has some images and I showed to the audience.
-Did you show / talk about the photos to the audience? Yes, I did it.
-Did you look at the audience most of the times? Yes, but I looked at the paper too.
-Did you read from your notes? Yes, some of the times. I have to correct it.
-Did you do any gestures / movements to hold the attention of your audience? Not to much but I did some movements.
-Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Well, I organized my ideas but not in this order.
-Did you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? Yes, I did it.
-Which ones? For start, first, for finally and second.
-Did you introduce interesting information to your audience? Yes, I introduce some interesting information.
-Did you look up information/ facts/ ideas in the internet/ books...? No, I didn't.
-Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? Yes, It was.
-Did you check your grammar? Alex, corrected my oral so I used the corrected words
-Did you used rich/ new vocabulary looking up the dictionary? I didn't looked up the dictionary but I used some new words for me.
-Which ones? Gorgeous, mesquites, species, impatient...
-Did you use sentences linkers? Yes, I used: and, but, for...
-Did you use fillers? Yes, I used: next please (for the power point).
-Did you know how to pronounce all your words? Yes, I did.
-Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? With the teacher.
-Did you change your tone of voice or use monotone all the time? I changed my tone but only some times.
-Did you speed in fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? I think I spoke with a fluid continuum.
-You are the teacher! What mark did you get? ;-) I think I did it good so I put my self a 7.
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